ZagrebDox Pro News

Projects for this year's ZagrebDox Pro are selected


Twelve chosen projects from 11 different countries will participate at this year’s workshop and Pitching Forum.

ZagrebDox Pro training programme again brings a preparatory workshop intended for chosen creative documentary projects at different stages of development and production, a Pitching Forum presenting the projects to the public, potential financiers and distributers, and International Collaboration Day for networking between experts from the documentary world, project teams and other film professionals.

Selected projects for ZagrebDox Pro 2018 edition are:

ALPHA BETA GAMMA, Dragosh Turea (Republic of Moldova)
LOVE LINES, Isabela Von Tent (Romania)
ONE OF US, Đuro Gavran (Croatia)
PROJECTIONIST, Yuriy Shylov (Ukraine)
SALON SALAMANJE, Yasemin Akinci (France)
THE CUSTODIANS, Jassim Alsaady (Germany)
THE LANDFILL, Marija Žižović (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia)
THE RASCALESS, Ivana Marinić Kragić (Croatia)
TOBIAS, Alexa Bakony (Hungary)
WE ARE INSIDE, Farah Kassem (Germany, Lebanon)
WE THE CHILDREN OF STATION BOSNIA, Nejra Latić Hulušić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The aim of the workshop, scheduled to take place from 25 February to 2 March, and mentored by Leena Pasanen and Stefano Tealdi, is to provide support to participants who are still shaping their projects and provide them with adequate knowledge and skills needed to find international co-financiers. After the preparations, the participants will present their projects to a panel consisting of TV editors, film fund representatives and distributers at a Pitching Forum scheduled for Thursday, 1 March at 10am, at Kaptol Boutique Cinema. The Forum is open to the public.

In addition to the workshop for selected projects and the Pitching Forum, ZagrebDox Pro includes a series of masterclasses, presentations and discussions open to the public. ZagrebDox Pro also provides a few spots for participants without projects at closed sessions. If you wish to apply, please send an email with a subject I want to be a participant without project at In the email, the candidates should list their full name, email address and phone number. All the candidates will be informed about the selection process results during February, along with all other important information.

ZagrebDox Pro training programme is organized with the support of Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Government of The Republic of Croatia - Office for cooperation with NGOs and Croatian Film Directors' Guild (DHFR).