Regional Competition

The Stone Speakers

Igor Drljača
Screening time  
25.02. / Monday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 2  
26.02. / Tuesday, 11:00 - 13:00 Theatre 1  
01.03. / Friday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 2  
In The Stone Speakers, Igor Drljaca explores the relationship between recent tourist sites and attempts to create competing national narratives in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina. The film premiered at the Toronto Film Festival.

Present-day Bosnia-Herzegovina is a country still reeling from the civil war in the early 90s. The Bosnian economy never recovered, and the country remains divided. In order to cope, many towns have transformed themselves into unique tourist destinations that bring together history, religion, politics and folklore. The tourist sites promoted are not only a reflection of the people’s attempts to make a living, but are also a means to promote and establish competing narratives about the country’s past, present and future. The Stone Speakers explores four towns in Bosnia-Herzegovina through their tourism, slowly unravelling these competing narratives.


Igor Drljača

Igor Drljača was born in 1983 in Sarajevo, and has lived in Canada since 1993. He completed his Master’s Degree in Film Production at York University. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Theatre and Film at the University of British Columbia. He completed his Master’s in Film Production at York University in 2011, where he was also an adjunct professor between 2015-18. His award-winning short films include The Fuse: or How I Burned Simon Bolivar (2011) and Woman in Purple (2010). His critically acclaimed feature film Krivina premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2012. His first feature documentary isThe Stone Speakers (2018).

General sponsor

Kameni govornici

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada
2018, 92'

Directed by:
Igor Drljača

Screenplay by:
Igor Drljača

Amel Djikoli

Edited by:
Igor Drljača

Albert Shin, Igor Drljača

Produced by:
Timelapse Pictures

Festivals & Awards:

Berlin International Film Festival 2018; Toronto International Film Festival 2018