Regional Competition

Una Primavera

Valentina Primavera
Screening time  
25.02. / Monday, 11:00 - 13:00 Theatre 1  
26.02. / Tuesday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 2  
27.02. / Wednesday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
03.03. / Sunday, 12:00 - 14:00 Theatre 5  
03.03. / Sunday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 3  
03.03. / Sunday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 2  
03.03. / Sunday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 4  
A daughter follows her mother with a camera on a personal journey, leading them both between the contradictions of family.

Following the latest episode of domestic violence, Fiorella – mother of three, decides to leave her husband, their house and life to free herself after 40 years of marriage. At 58, she finally applies for legal separation. Equipped with a hand camera, her daughter Valentina follows her first steps into the unknown future. A complex journey begins, leading both to confront themselves, and the community they live in, with its patriarchal structures, while questioning the meaning of family and society.


Valentina Primavera

Valentina Primavera is filmmaker and production designer born in Rome. Since 2010, she lives in Berlin, where she has worked as stage designer assistant at the Volksbühne, Berliner Ensemble, Theater an der Parkaue, Neumarkt Theater and Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, among others. In 2014, she completed a MA in Stage Design and Scenography from TU Berlin. She also worked as set designer for several shorts, among others Taschengeld by Annika Pinske. Una Primavera (2018) is her debut film as a director.

General sponsor

Una Primavera

Germany, Austria, Italy
2018, 80'

Directed by:
Valentina Primavera

Screenplay by:
Valentina Primavera

Valentina Primavera

Edited by:
Federico Neri

Macarena Solervicens

Johannes Schubert

Produced by:
Johannes Schubert

Festivals & Awards:

DOK Leipzig 2018