Special event: TikTok - Documenting quotidianity


How does documenting day to day life stand in relation to the demands of an insatiable audience and the creation of different forms of social relations?

TikTok is one of the most interesting phenomena in the public online sphere. On the one hand, it is undeniable that it popularised the making and consumption of video content and documenting the moment. On the other hand, it indicates the audience’s insatiability, the need for quick consumption, the transience.

A special event called TikTok: Documenting Quotidianity, to be held on Thursday at 5.30pm in Theatre 4, is designed to encourage reflection on concepts such as authenticity, connected to content creation and audience building since YouTube.

Authenticity in the context of platforms like Instagram and TikTok has become a marketing keyword in order to sell products as efficiently as possible.

One of the questions this panel will ask is how documenting everyday life stands in relation to the demands of an insatiable audience and creating different forms of social relationships. We are also interested in questions about the impacts of daily consumption of large amounts of content, the process of creating trends, communities, disseminating information and intruding into the intimate spaces of strangers.

All this, and much more, will be discussed by Klara Petrović, independent curator and TikTok cooking sensation with more than 100,000 followers, and TikToker Florijan Lacko, whose final thesis topic is “Language of Depression on the Internet: Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Internet Memes”. The panel moderator is Igor Bezinović.