TikTok: Documenting Quotidianity

Special Event / Thursday, April 7, 17:30, Dvorana 4

With: Klara Petrović and Florijan Lacko
Moderator: Igor Bezinović

TikTok is a social network whose very simple interface and use globally popularised mass video content creating, sharing and consuming. The aim of this discussion is to reconsider the notions such as authenticity, related to content creating, and audience building since YouTube. Authenticity in the context of platforms like Instagram and TikTok has become a marketing catchphrase stimulating product sale efficiency. We want to examine documenting everyday life in terms of the demands of insatiable audience and creating different forms of social relationships, and raise questions about the influence of daily consumption of a large amount of content, trendsetting, communities, information spreading and entering unknown people’s intimate spaces.