Road Dox

So Foul a Sky

Álvaro F. Pulpeiro
Screening time  
07.04. / Thursday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 3 Ticket

Under shadows cast by colossal oil refineries, the film presents a journey through several frontier lands of Venezuela –  the world's first petro-state – now shaken by the worst political and humanitarian crisis South America has experienced in the 21st century. So Foul a Sky is a cinematographic meditation on the fragile and conflictive relationship between the citizen and a state that has ceased to provide meaning, future, and identity. It explores the concept of the orphan deprived from its identity and national rights through a series of sporadic encounters with people who live, conscious or unconscious, rejecting all that binds them to take on sides from the active political conflict devastating Venezuela.


Álvaro F. Pulpeiro

Álvaro F. Pulpeiro is a writer, filmmaker, and photographer currently based between London and Barranquilla. Born in 1990, he spent his first years of life in Saguenay, Quebec, and Northern Galicia, Spain. After being brought up between Northern Brazil and Western Australia, he moved to London where he graduated from the Architectural Association School of Architecture in 2015. His practice has mainly taken place in South America.

General sponsor

So Foul A Sky

Great Britain, Spain, Colombia
2021, 82'

Directed by:
Álvaro F. Pulpeiro

Mauricio Reyes Serrano, Álvaro F. Pulpeiro

Edited by:
Martín Amézaga

Sergio Gutiérrez Zuluaga

Laura Solano, Clive Patterson, Victor Paz, José Gil Pulpeiro

Produced by:
Camara Lenta S.A.S, Insight TWI Films, A Cuarta Parede Films, Pulp Co

Festivals & Awards:

CPH:DOX (2021)
Indielisboa (2021)
Seville European FF (2021)
DocsMX (2021)
Bogota IFF (2021)
Athens IFF (2021)
DMZ Docs (2021)
Olhar de Cinema (2021)


Jasmina Vignjevic