Screening time  
04.04. / Monday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 2 Ticket

6th mass extinction is upon us. The Siberian permafrost is melting. Ancient bones rise up from the ground and wild animals seem to have disappeared. Three Yakutians venture into the wilderness on different quests. Villager Roman and city boy Kyym hunt for a rare reindeer while scientist Semyon searches for a viable cell of the mammoth, which he needs to clone the extinct animal. While the three men close in on their goals, both the frozen earth that they walk on and reality itself melt into another state. Holgut combines elements of fiction and documentary and manoeuvres from captivating reality to visual poetry. As extinction and de-extinction meet, science fiction seems to become reality and reality seems to become myth.


Liesbeth De Ceulaer

Liesbeth De Ceulaer is a Belgian independent filmmaker based in Brussels, whose films explore the tense and complex relationship between man and his environment. These cinematic explorations lead to captivating worlds, in which documentary and fiction are in continuous exchange. Victoria (2020), Behind the Redwood Curtain (2013) and The Best Act on the Isle (2008) have been presented at film festivals such as Berlinale IFF (DE, Caligari Award), IndieLisboa (PT, TVCine Award), Curitiba IFF Olhar de Cinema (BR, Special Jury Award), Open City (UK, Open City Award), Docville (BE, Best Documentary), Play Doc (ES, Best Film), Entrevues Belfort IFF (FR), Visions du Réel (Pitching du Réel, CH), Camden Documentary FF (Points North Fellowship, US), Hamptons IFF (US) and Hot Springs Documentary FF (US).

General sponsor


2021, 75'

Directed by:
Liesbeth De Ceulaer

Jonathan Wannyn

Edited by:
Guillaume Graux

Tomas Leyers, Erik Lambert

Produced by:
Minds Meet, Stempel

Festivals & Awards:

CPH:DOX: Special Mention (2021)
Docville: Best Film (2021)
Beldocs: Special Mention (2021)
The World of Knowledge FF: Best Cinematography (2021)
Visions du Réel (2021)
DOK.Fest Munich (2021)
Indielisboa (2021)
DokuFest (2021)
Shanghai IFF (2021)
Melbourne IDFF (2021)


Michaela Cajkova