Road Dox

A Marble Travelogue

Sean Wang
Screening time  
07.04. / Thursday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 1 Ticket

A Marble Travelogue is structured like a road movie, but instead of following people, the film traces the whole surreal journey of marble. Blocks of white marble are mined from a Greek quarry and shipped from the Chinese-owned port of Piraeus to China. In the Chinese capital of carving, Quyang, they are sculpted into Hellenistic-style statues and columns. Unused fragments are turned into fridge magnets which are then exported back to Greece, where they are bought by Chinese tourists. Each stop is depicted by one or a group of characters, while the film also focuses on China's economy as it shifts its role from the “world’s factory” to “world’s buyer“, at the same time entering a new era of uncertainty.

Sean Wang

Sean Wang is a Hui Chinese director based in Beijing. He graduated from the Communication University of China and Beijing Film Academy with a Television Directing BA and a Screenwriting MA, respectively. His first feature-length documentary Lady of the Harbour was premiered at IDFA 2017.

General sponsor


France, Netherlands, Greece, Hong Kong
2021, 97'

Directed by:
Sean Wang

Screenplay by:
Sean Wang

Xiao Xiao, Carles Muñoz Gómez-Quintero, Sean Wang

Edited by:
Tao Gu, Claudio Hughes, Sean Wang

Jeroen Goeijers, Soviet Pop

Jia Zhao, Zijian Wang

Produced by:
MUYI FILM, Blackfin Productions, Little Big Story, Anemon Productions

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA (2021)
Thessaloniki DF (2022)


Jing Xu