
Pierre-Simon Gutman

Pierre-Simon Gutman is deputy editor of magazine L'Avant Scene Cinéma. After sudying litterature at La Sorbonne, he wrote his PHD thesis on the American filmmaker Michael Cimino. He has written for 3 Couleurs, Les Fiches du Cinéma and Eclipse(s). He teaches cinema at l'ESRA in Paris and Brussels, after having previously taught at the universities Paris VII and Nancy 2. He has also directed several short narratives, and was for many years a programmer for the Critic's Week of the Cannes Film Festival, on both short and feature film committee. He currently serves on the administration board of the Critic's Week. He was a member of the official jury for the Camera d'or at the last edition of the Cannes Film Festival.


Petra Meterc

Petra Meterc is a freelance film critic, journalist, and translator based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For years she has been writing and reporting on film and literature for independent community radio, Radio Študent. Now she writes for the Third Programme of National Radio Slovenia – ARS, Ekran magazine, Kino! Magazine as well as other outlets, and works for several film festivals in Slovenia. She is a Berlinale Talent alumna, and in 2020 Ekran magazine awarded her the best young critic prize in Slovenia.


Marko Njegić

Marko Njegic is the most active Croatian film critic, a member of the Croatian Film Critics Association and a member of FIPRESCI. Since 2005 he works as a film critic, columnist and journalist for the daily newspaper 'Slobodna Dalmacija'. Furthermore, he wrote for the film studies and film criticism journal 'Hrvatski filmski ljetopis' and was an editor of the first Croatian movie magazine 'Hollywood'. He was a member of FIPRESCI for Motovun Film Festival and Ljubljana (LIFFE), also a member of the jury for many other festivals in Croatia and region. At the end of 2014. his first book Filmoteka was published. In 2017 and 2018 he was appointed artistic advisor for minority coproductions for The Croatian Audiovisual Center, supporting no less that three films chosen for Berlinale. In 2019 he acted as curator for a multimedia exibition An Hommage to Alexander F. Stasenko. In 2020 and 2021 he ran a film criticism workshop for high school seniors and college students. Winner of the 2021 Vladimir Vuković award for best film critic in 2020.