Projects 2022

Far Away, Kandahar

Anita Čeko

Project will be presented by:

Anita Čeko, director

Anita Čeko holds an MA in Film Dramaturgy from the Academy of Dramatic Art and Psychology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. She works as a screenwriter, dramaturge and psychologist. She is the author of the award-winning short documentary film Jabuka, tri dvopeka, jogurt (2019) and the short documentary film Blizina (2019). A member of Kinoklub Zagreb and the Association of Screenwriter and Playwrigths.

General sponsor

Daleko je Kandahar

Working title:
Far Away, Kandahar

Directed by:
Anita Čeko

Start of production:

Estimated date of finalisation: