Majstori doxa


Morgan Spurlock
Vrijeme projekcije  
02.03. / Četvrtak, 22:00 - 00:00 Dvorana 1  
Film "Štakori" zadire duboko ispod gradskih površina kako bi istražio život tih zloglasnih glodavaca fokusirajući se prije svega na najezde u svjetskim velegradovima.

Are there more rats in New York City than people? Ed Sheehan, a 40-year veteran of the pest-control game, speculates that this may well be the case — and this is only one of many grisly possibilities that Rats considers. While exterminators work to trap the wily creatures in the urban jungle, scientists study rats' bodies for the parasites that live within them, trying to discover the pathogens that the rodents may be carrying in places like post-Katrina New Orleans. From this chilly, clinical environment we then travel to the gory rat-hunting grounds of the idyllic Berkshire countryside — where rat control has inadvertently become a sport, thanks to a natural enemy of rats who happens to be man's best friend — and on to Cambodia, where a rat catcher balances cages holding hundreds of little squealers on his motorcycle and sells them to a Vietnamese buyer who takes them across the border to meet a curious fate.


Morgan Spurlock

Morgan Spurlock je redatelj, scenarist i producent. Živi i radi u New Yorku. Rođen je 1970. godine, a diplomirao je film na Školi za umjetnost Tisch Sveučilišta u New Yorku 1993. godine. Njegov prvi dugometražni film, Super veliki ja (2004), osvojio je brojne nagrade, a nominiran je i za Oscara. Autor je filmova koji su prikazivani i na ZagrebDoxu: Gdje je Osama Bin Laden? (2008), Najveći film ikad prodan (2011), Muškost (2012) i FX-ove serije 30 Days (2005). Režirao je i producirao brojne filmove i televizijske projekte.

Generalni sponzor


2016, 88'

Morgan Spurlock

Jeremy Chilnick, Morgan Spurlock

Luca Del Puppo

Pierre Takal

Jeremy Chilnick, Morgan Spurlock, Dan Braun, Josh Braun, David Koh, Stanley Buchthal

Dakota Group, Discovery Channel

Festivali i nagrade:

Međunarodni filmski festival u Torontu 2016; Nagrade za dokumentarni film Critics’ Choice 2016