International Competition

Invisibile – Illegal in Europe

Andreas Voight

The invisible mentioned in the title can be found in millions in Europe alone. Of various ethnic background, living in various countries, they have only one thing in common – they left their native countries and legally do not exist in the ones in which they live. For a year, the film crew followed five people in Poland, France, Germany, Netherlands and Nigeria. Touching life stories are told to us by Zakari from Algeria, who has been living in Germany without documents for ten years; Malika from Chechnya, who fled to Poland with her family; Oumar, who replaced his Guinea Bissau with a refugee camp in Ceuta; Prince, who is waiting in a Dutch prison to be deported; and Edita from Equador, who is living in Paris in a transsexual commune.

Andreas Voight

Andreas Voigt was born in Eisleben, East Germany in 1953. He completed his studies of physics in Krakow, economics in Berlin, and directing at the University for Film and TV in Potsdam-Babelsberg. He spent a few years working as a screenwriter and director for DEFA (Documentary Film Studio in Berlin). After closing of the studio, he has been working as a freelance screenwriter and director.

General sponsor

Invisibile – Illegal in Europe

2004, 90', color, 35 mm

Directed by:
Andreas Voight

Johann Feindt, Marcus Winterbauer, Jacek Blawut

Edited by:
Marina G. Kunzel

Hannes Zerbe

Produced by:
Barbara Ezt Filmproduktion, ‘a jour Film, NDR, arte