International Competition

The Center

Stanislaw Mucha

Do you know where exactly in the center of Europe? Definitely not in Zagreb. However, at least dozens of other European towns and villages have picked a fight trying to prove that it is their very own square or field where Europe’s central point is. The director visited places within a 2.000-kilometer-diameter circle covering parts of Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Lithuania and Ukraine and let their people tell us this entertaining story. He particularly focused on those who are a bit more eccentric, extremist, visionaries and great patriots. With a little help from the film crew, they tell us a lot about those inside and outside boundaries of the greater Europe. Beethoven’s “All the People Will be Brothers” as a musical background adds some healthy irony to it all.

Stanislaw Mucha

Stanislaw Mucha was born in Nowy Targ, Poland in 1970. He made his grade in acting (at Ludwig Solski in Krakow) and directing (at Konrad Wolf Academy for Film and Television in Babelsberg). His films include several documentaries: besides The Center, these are: Polish Passion (1996/1997); Back Home To The Reich With Bubi (2000); Absolute Warhola (2001); and Reality Shock (2004).

General sponsor

Die mitte

2004, 85', 35 mm

Directed by:
Stanislaw Mucha

Screenplay by:
Stanislaw Mucha

Helge Haack, Susanne Schüle

Edited by:
Stanislaw Mucha

Moritz Denis, Eike Hosenfeld

Dieter Reifarth