International Competition

The White Diamond

Werner Herzog

Herzog used the dense rain forests of Guyana for his documentary. This is primarily a story about a loss, tragedy, but also about possible victory. The human element in the story is Graham Dorrington, a British eccentric and an aviation engineer who decided to develop a special type of aircraft the design of which is based on the dirigibles of early 1920s – an aircraft almost silent and of low speed. Twelve years earlier, his friend Dieter Plage was killed in a similar aircraft. For him, the major motive of this enterprise is to get over his friend’s death, or to attach a meaning to it. Herzog tells a parallel story of a great tragedy of a local Rastafarian who works in a diamond mine, whose mother and eight brothers emigrated to Spain and have not been in touch with him for years.


Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog was born in Munich in 1942. He grew up in a remote mountain village in Bavaria and studied History and German Literature in Munich and Pittsburgh. He made his first film in 1961 at the age of 19. Since then he has produced, written, and directed more than sixty feature and documentary films, such as Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972), Nosferatu (1978), Fitzcarraldo (1982), Lessons of Darkness (1992), Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997), My Best Fiend (1999), Invincible (2000), Grizzly Man (2005), Encounters at the End of the World (2007), Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010). Werner Herzog has published more than a dozen books of prose, and directed as many operas. Werner Herzog lives in Munich and Los Angeles.

General sponsor

The White Diamond

2004, 90', color, HD

Directed by:
Werner Herzog

Screenplay by:
Rudolph Herzog, Annette Scheurich

Henning Brümmer, Klaus Scheurich

Edited by:
Joe Bini

Ernst Reijseger

Annette Scheurich, Lucki Stipetic, Werner Herzog

Produced by:
Marco Polo Film AG