International Competition

The Will to Live

Anne Gyrithe Bonne

Inspired with tragic events that followed after September 11, this documentary illustrates the will to live with life stories of great loss of three great people who did not resort to vengeance, hate and self-pity, but are instead using their own example to show us numerous aspects of love, hate and compassion and the ways in which they influence the world around us. In short, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, human-rights champion Juan Almendares and awarded Cambodian author Chanrithy Him will tell us about what makes humans human.

Anne Gyrithe Bonne

Anne Gyrithe Bonne made her grade in literature, theater and film theory; she also studied philosophy and psychology and took courses at the Danish Film School. She did various jobs: from creating her own radio and TV programs to directing her own documentaries. Besides her film that we will see at Zagreb- Dox, we will mention here The Golden Key (1995) and Peer Norgaard (1996).

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2003, 59', color, video

Directed by:
Anne Gyrithe Bonne

Erik Molberg Hansen

Edited by:
Pernille Bech Christensen

Poul Halberg

Anne Gyrithe Bonne

Produced by:
Bonne Filmproductions