Regional Competition

Toni Mandža's List

Marija Dzidzeva

In the night of May 10, 1998, 18-year-old Toni Mandza escaped from prison in order to kill all the people from his hit list. Gevgelija, a quiet small town in southern Macedonia is suddenly not so quiet any more. At Berlinale 2004, the film won a special prize for the best films from Southeastern Europe.


Marija Dzidzeva

Marija Dzidzeva is film director, born in 1970 in Gevgelija, Macedonia. She graduated in Macedonian Literature in 1994 and Film and TV directing in 2000. Author of short and documentaries films: Miss Amensia (2000), Toni Mandza’s List (2004, screened at ZagrebDox), You are Alive (2005), Look at the Life Through Eyes (2008), Some Other Stories (2010) – segment Macedonian Story.

General sponsor

Spisokot na Toni Mandža

2004, 31'

Directed by:
Marija Dzidzeva

Screenplay by:
Marija Džidževa

Dimitar Popov

Edited by:
Ljubomir Atanasov


Goran Acevski