Regional Competition


Vladimir Gojun

An elderly couple from the village of Mali Križ near Bjelovar talk about how they survived the World War II. Grandpa Ignac survived the Ustasha concentration camp Jasenovac; while on her own, his wife built the house in which they still live. While times, armies and regimes changed, they managed to live. They had hopes for a good and happy life, but that, unfortunately, did not happen.

Vladimir Gojun

Vladimir Gojun was born 1979 in Dubrovnik. He graduated in Film and TV Editing from Zagreb’s Academy of Dramatic Art. He edits and directs fiction and documentary films, commercials and music videos. At the Academy of Dramatic Art he teaches Introduction to Editing part-time. Cycles is his first original documentary film.

General sponsor


2004, 30', video

Directed by:
Vladimir Gojun

Screenplay by:
Vladimir Gojun, Robert Krivec

Robert Krivec

Edited by:
Vanja Siruček

Dyjivan Gasparyan

Produced by:
Nukleus film