Special Screenings

Big Brother in the Middle East

Sarah Vos

Big Brother in the Middle East! Sounds incredible, but it managed to survive nine whole days on air. Twenty million dollars had been spent to bring twelve Arabic girls and boys from various regions under one roof and constant supervision. The newly-built house was located just a few kilometers from Saudi Arabia, the centre of Islam, and everything was ready for an extraordinary voyeuristic event. But the story simply couldn’t hold water. The director was given a chance to capture these tense moments on camera; the organizers fighting with sensitive subjects like the interpretations of Koran, the influence of Muslim priesthood, the uncovered women, and also the struggle between the conservative Arabic world, and youth which desires liberation without having to lose their religious identity.

Sarah Vos

Sarah Vos was born 1968. She graduated at the Dutch Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam. She also works as a journalist, and her filmography includes also the award winning documentary ‘’Welkom in Holland’’ dated 2003.

General sponsor

Big Brother in the Middle East

2004, 70'

Directed by:
Sarah Vos

Screenplay by:
Sarah Vos

Sander Snoep

Edited by:
Paul Delput, Denise Janzée,Twan da Silva

Doke Romeijn, Frank Wiering