Special Screenings

Osama and US

Jamie Campbell, Joel Wilson

The American government has in the last 15 years spent billions of dollars to trace and capture the most wanted man on the planet – Osama Bin Laden. They even offered an award for the exact information in the value of 27 million dollars! In early 2003, the two authors started their own investigation gathering information from their friends and experts trying to put together a picture of the man behind the myth. Great men like Noam Chomsky, Hans Blix, and Bush’s spokesperson Arie Fleischer stood before their microphones. As the story kept unfolding, so did the conspiracy theories – with the main question being: does Bush know the location of Bin Laden? With evidence at hand, the authors stepped before the American Embassy in London, ready to claim their 27 million dollars.

Jamie Campbell

Jamie Campbell and Joel Wilson are young English authors, and Osama and Us is their first film. So, since they are not used to their sudden glory, they don’t have any biographical info prepared. Until their next feature...

Joel Wilson

Jamie Campbell and Joel Wilson are young English authors, and Osama and Us is their first film. So, since they are not used to their sudden glory, they don’t have any biographical info prepared. Until their next feature...

General sponsor

Osama and US

Great Britain
2003, 55'

Directed by:
Jamie Campbell, Joel Wilson

Jamie Campbell, Joel Wilson

Edited by:
Ben Chanan

Adam Barker