International Competition

China Blue

Micha X. Peled

The film crew’s curiosity to find out what lies behind ‘Made in China’ labels that many of us wear on our own clothes often enraged Chinese authorities. They would ban the shooting of the film a few times, confiscate the footage and arrest and inquire them. This is not the first time that a film is focused on workers deprived of their rights. So what is it in this film that is so disturbing? Probably the fact that all the deprived people have names and faces here. We meet Jasmine whose job is to remove surplus threads from finished blue jeans. She has come to town from her village and is earning 6 cents per hour. She works seven days a week and does not get paid for her overtime hours. She is sharing her room with 11 other girls. And if labor inspectors come by and ask her how she is, she replies in fear: ‘Great!’

Micha X. Peled

Micha X. Peled studied media in Boston, USA. He is an acclaimed director of awarded films. Besides China Blue, his filmography includes: Store Wars: When Wal-Mart Comes to Town (2001), You, Me, Jerusalem (1995), Inside God’s Bunker (1994), Will My Mother Go Back to Berlin? (1993).

General sponsor

China Blue

2005, 87', color, video

Directed by:
Micha X. Peled

Micha X. Peled

Edited by:
Manuel Tsingaris

Miriam Cutler

Micha X. Peled

Produced by:
Teddy Bear Films