International Competition

Made in Italy

Fabio Wuytack

Young filmmaker Fabio Wuytack has discovered an old film that the brothers Lumiere made in the Italian town of Carra more than one hundred years ago. He decides to take it back to the place where it was made – to the charming little town where Michelangelo himself was getting his supplies of marble. With a help of a strange cinema-owner, local miners, and an enthusiastic priest, he is trying to find a mythical location where the famous brothers shot their film. The result of the search is this film, made as a commedia del’arte, which returns Fabio back to his roots much more than he could even imagine.

Fabio Wuytack

Fabio Wuytack (1981) started his career as a sculptor. In 2004, he obtained a grade in documentary film from the Hogeschool Sint- Lukas in Bruxelles. He is currently preparing a new middle-length film ‘Padre Francisco’. His films include: ‘Celeste’ (2001), ‘Jazzno Trauma’ (2002), ‘André Rouler’, ‘San Adriande Besos’ (2002), ‘Dylsexy’ (2003), ‘The Gorilla’ (2003).

General sponsor

Made in Italy

Italy, Belgium
2004, 28', color, video

Directed by:
Fabio Wuytack

Screenplay by:
Fabio Wuytack

Fabio Wuytack

Edited by:
Anneke Boelaert, Fabio Wuytack, Erik de Vos

Carlo Bernini, Dteven De Bruyn, Jonathan Smets, Robin Stevens

Fabio Wuytack