Sport and Music

5 Sides Of A Coin

Paul Kell

Thirty years of history of hip hop led its passionate fan Paul Kell to an amazing musical adventure that took him almost three years, resulting in this fascinating film. ‘5 Sides of a Coin’ will teach us a thing or two about the roots of hip hop and about the 30 years of history of this musical phenomenon. In this case, the documentarist coin has five sides, because the director has focused on its five basic elements: MC-ing, DJ-ing, breaking, graffiti, and beatbox. By analyzing each of these elements and by contrasting the opinion of the ‘insiders’ to the one of those who have no connection with this music stream, the author is trying to break down the stereotypes about culture.

Paul Kell

Paul Kell graduated from the Film Department of the Concordia University. Together with Jana Ritter, he worked on his ‘5 Sides of a Coin’ for three years. Before entering the film industry, he had his hip-hop show on Radio Saskatchewan. His plans for future include short films, video clips, and one documentary film is already being prepared.

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5 Sides Of A Coin

2003, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Paul Kell

Screenplay by:
Paul Kell

Paul Kell

Edited by:
Paul Kell

Manifest & More (TBA)

Paul Kell, Jana Ritter

Produced by:
The Anomaly Collective