Special Screenings


Franny Armstrong

McLibel is a story about two people who have humiliated McDonalds in the greatest PR catastrophe in British history. This global fast-food chain was using British laws that disallow public criticizing of food products (‘libel laws’); these crazy laws favored megacorporations. Even the BBC and Guardian lost the battle against Mc- Donalds, until one day the corporation got on the wrong side with the ‘McLibel Duo’ – gardener Helen Steel and postman Dave Morris. In a sharp legal engagement, every single aspect of this food chain was discussed – from junk food to cruelty against animals. Seven years later, this legal marathon was finally put to an end at the European Human Rights Court.

Franny Armstrong

Since age of four, British director and producer Franny Armstrong knew she would be a rock drummer. Indeed, she became a drummer, until, at age of 24, she read in the press that McDonalds was suing a gardener and a postman for slander. She took a camera in her hands, and, three years later, in 1997, ‘McLibel: Two Worlds Collide’ was made. In 2005, a new, supplemented version was released. Her second major documentary is ‘Drowned Out’ – about the fight over Narmanda Dam in India.

General sponsor


Great Britain
2005, 85', color, HD

Directed by:
Franny Armstrong

Screenplay by:
Franny Armstrong

Franny Armstrong, Peter Armstrong, Neve Cunningham, Mick Duffield

Edited by:
David G. Hill, Gregers Sall

Chris Brierley, Alfie Thomas, Johny Brown, Guy Jackson, Luminous Frenzy, Band of Holy Joy, The Playthings

Franny Armstrong

Produced by:
Spanner Films