
Joe Goes to Serbia

Sonja Blagojević
It is the fourth summer in a row that Josef Arone from San Francisco comes to Serbia. He makes street-performances as Joe Mama the clown and from July till September, over the countryside and around the capital, from the trumpet festival to the war zone, he is in the mission of spreading joy.

General sponsor

Moj drug Srbija

2008, 51'

Directed by:
Sonja Blagojević

Sonja Blagojević

Produced by:
Sonja Blagojević in co-production with CVK Kvadrat


CVK Kvadrat
T. / F. +381 112 446 680

Festivals & Awards:

55th Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival 2008 - Golden Medal of Belgrade for best documentary film in the National Competition; FIPRESCI Serbia - the award for the most engaged film; CinemaCity 2008, Serbia - Special Award; XXII Parnu International Film Festival, 2008; IFF Prvi kadar 2008, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Special Mention; EuroFest 2008, Montreal - Special Mention; DOCSDF 2008, Mexico