
Look at the Life Through My Eyes

Marija Dzidzeva
Studenicani is a small village about 10 kilometres from the Macedonian capital of Skopje. The ethnic Albanian population forms a tight and rather isolated community in which Islam plays a prominent role. In this film, director Marija Dzidzeva painted a detailed picture of daily life in Studenicani. It’s a picture from within: we see the residents’ traditional way of life through their own eyes, as they tell the story themselves.

Marija Dzidzeva

Marija Dzidzeva is film director, born in 1970 in Gevgelija, Macedonia. She graduated in Macedonian Literature in 1994 and Film and TV directing in 2000. Author of short and documentaries films: Miss Amensia (2000), Toni Mandza’s List (2004, screened at ZagrebDox), You are Alive (2005), Look at the Life Through Eyes (2008), Some Other Stories (2010) – segment Macedonian Story.

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Look at the Life Through My Eyes

Macedonia, Croatia
2008, 45', color, video

Directed by:
Marija Dzidzeva

Siniša Juričić

Produced by:
Nukleus film


Nukleus film d.o.o.
Medulićeva 6
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
T. / F. +385 (0)1 4846 556