Tuesday at ZagrebDox


Check out the premieres of Croatian films 'How's Everyone at Home?' by Kaja Šišmanović and 'Cheese and Cream' by Kristina Leko. Controversial Dox today presents the documentary political thriller 'The Brussels Business' and the State of Affairs section presents a ground-breaking tale about football - 'Game of Honor' by Peter Radovich.

How’s Everyone at Home? is a story about two people’s hectic marriage from a daughter’s point of view, scheduled for 7pm, theatre 1. Also at 7pm, theatre 2 screens the premiere of a film form the Factumentaries section, Cheese and Cream by Kristina Leko. This is a film essay about Zagreb’s milkmaids and deep crises of political will and national identity between 2002 and 2006. The third Dox event is Čedo by Nikola Strašek, the story about Čedo Šaraba, a marginalised man the likes of which we say every day in the streets, parks and trams collecting plastic bottles. After the screenings, a Q&A with the authors will take place.

Tuesday at ZagrebDox begins at 12am, theatre 2, with a regional competition film – The Verdict by Đuro Gavran. Sixteen years after the war, in Zagreb’s central square, several thousand people gathered to watch the live transmission of the sentencing of Croatian generals. The film records an eruption of emotions caused by the verdict. The following film is a documentary about Slovenian 1980s pop culture, There Was Once a Land of Hard Working People by Urša Menart. The film monitors changes in Slovenia and its inhabitants leading to a totally different notion of national identity, completely dissimilar to the one dominant in Slovenia and abroad twenty years ago.

At 3pm, theatre 3, we present three films from NFTS Beaconsfield retrospective which portray the relationship between fathers and sons. Hacer La Luna is a tale about a father who wanted to be a toreador and forces his son to enter the bullfighting arena. Letter to Dad is a story about a son from a mixed Serbian-Croatian marriage who is writing a letter to his dead father and talks to his friends in order to understand his father’s role in the Bosnian tragedy, while Miracle in West Brom portrays the son of a Sikh immigrant who questions his father’s relationship with his mother all until a heart attack changes the family dynamics. After the screening, Q&A with the author of Letter to Dad, Srđan Keča, will take place.

The retrospective of Victor Kossakovsky
, the famous Russian documentarian and master of observation, who finds deep poetic clarity and philosophical vision even in the most banal daily situations, is scheduled at 4pm, theatre 4 – The Belovs and Svyato.

The 22 July 2011 bombing in central Oslo and Utoya island massacre took the lives of 77 people. It was a senseless and cruel act of one individual: Anders Breivik. Wrong Time Wrong Place, a film by the renowned documentarian John Appel, is a story about five people who witnessed it and shows the role of coincidence in a tragedy. The film is screened at 8pm, theatre 4. After the screening we will host a Q&A with John Appel.

At 9pm, theatre 3, Game of Honor by director Peter Radovich Jr. presents an extraordinary tale about incredible first division football training programmes at West Point and Naval Academy in Annapolis. Cadets and midshipmen are subject to a completely different kind of athletic training than any other team in the country. Game of Honor reveals dedication, discipline and determination required to arrive from military training to elite school and football pitch. After the film, we will host a Q&A with the film producer Mia Pećina.

The Brussels Business by Friedrich Moser and Matthieu Lietaert is scheduled for 9pm, theatre 4. This political documentary thriller reveals a story never told about the European Union. In the early 1990s two young men discovered great potential in Brussels lobbying. Olivier Hoedeman became the leading lobbying watchdog in the EU and Pascal Kerneis a multinational industry lobbyist. Through Olivier’s research and Pascal’s career, this film takes us on a journey through the corridors of power in the largest global economy: the European Union. After the film, we will host a Q&A with author Friedrich Moser.