Imaginary Academy Documentary Film Retrospective

The Golden Ice Cream

Fatmir Koci
Screening time  
28.02. / Thursday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
A funny and entertaining film about the Albanian community in the Croatian town of Poreč.

It concerns two groups within this community: the Muslim ice cream vendors and the Christian jewellers. During summer, the street their shops are in is packed with tourists from all over the world. In this melting pot of various nationalities and cultures, the Albanians live in their own, specific way. Film was screened at Motovun Film Festival, goEast, and festivals in Trieste and Wiesbaden.

General sponsor

Zlatni sladoled

1999, 21', video

Directed by:
Fatmir Koci

Screenplay by:
Fatmir Koci

Igor Savatović

Edited by:
Mimoza Musaraj

Minatori, Iliret, Marigona, Kristi Popa

Nenad Puhovski

Produced by: