Scottish Documentary Institute Retrospective

Rabat Stories: Men of Choufouch

Fatima Zahra El Fath
Screening time  
27.02. / Wednesday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
Sexual harassment is a part of Moroccan women’s daily lives. Still, they are not allowed to complain or talk freely about it...

Sexual harassment is a part of Moroccan women’s daily lives. Still, they are not allowed to complain or talk freely about it without being responded that a little flirting never killed anyone. This short documentary was made at the first documentary workshop of the Scottish Documentary Institute in Rabat.

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Rabat Stories : Men of Choufouch

Morocco, Great Britain
2012, 3', video

Directed by:
Fatima Zahra El Fath

Omar Sadouk

Edited by:
Anis Fellous

Anis Fellous

Produced by:
Scottish Documentary Institute Production