Teen Dox


Tomislav Jelinčić
Screening time  
25.02. / Tuesday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 3  
28.02. / Friday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 5  
A documentary film about a fight for fight. In the ring. In the family. In school. In the society. In the spotlight.

This is a documentary film about a fight for fight. In the ring. In the family. In school. In the society. In the spotlight. About contrasts and fights with oneself. This is a coming-of-age story. About authorities. About a high school senior training Thai boxing, but with no one to fight against in Croatia. Studying for her final exam and university entrance exam, all her thoughts and efforts go to the preparations for the upcoming European Championship in Portugal, where her opponents finally await her. And she awaits them. However...


Tomislav Jelinčić

Tomislav Jelinčić was born 1977 in Zagreb. He is currently in his final year of an MA course in Documentary Film and TV directing at Zagreb’s Academy of Dramatic Arts. In 2003 he graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb. After seven years at HRT, for the last 10 years he has been a reporter and journalist at RTL. At the Days of Croatian Film 2013 he won the best debut director award with the film Pun kufer, and the same year his film Deadline/Lifeline won the Phonedox category at ZagrebDox. He directed Odlazak barba predsjednika (2012), Making of Carmen (2012), Deadline/Lifeline (2013) and Pun kufer (2013), shown at many national and international festivals.

General sponsor


2014, 40', video

Directed by:
Tomislav Jelinčić

Smiljka Guštak, Antonio Pozojević

Edited by:
Karla Folnović, Denis Golenja

Mario Gigović

Produced by:
Akademija dramske umjetnosti