Teen Dox

The Red Carpet

Manuel Fernández, Iosu López
Screening time  
27.02. / Thursday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 5  
Rubina, a 12-year old girl from the Garib Nagar slum in India wants to become an actress and change the slum into a cleaner and more habitable place.

In Indian slums 158 million people live in extremely unhealthy conditions. Millions of children play surrounded by rubbish, cows, rats and excrements. The Garib Nagar slum, in Bandra district (Bombay, India) is the home of Rubina, a 12-year old girl who aims to become an actress and change the slum into a cleaner and more habitable place. Rubina was chosen amongst thousands of children to be one of the main characters of Slumdog Millionaire. Now she is 14 years old. After the short success of Rubina as the main character in Danny Boyle’s film, she attends the school every day and still dreams of becoming an actress.


Manuel Fernández

Manuel Fernández, born in Spain in 1978, has a Bachelor Degree in Communication Studies at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has studied filmmaking at the University of Sydney (SCA). He directed the documentary Esperanto: Those Who Love Music, Love Life (2006), experimental The Imp of the Perverse (2007) and a short film 31st of April (2007).


Iosu López

Iosu López, born in Spain in 1978, worked with a range of media before abandoning everything to fulfill a childhood dream: to travel the length of America, North to South, by land. The result is The American Seam (2010), an autobiographical tale of a solitary journey.

General sponsor

La Alfombra Roja

2012, 12', DCP

Directed by:
Manuel Fernández, Iosu López

Screenplay by:
Manuel Fernández & Iosu López

Manuel Fernández

Edited by:
Rubén Sánchez

Iosu López

Manuel / Iosu Fernández / López

Produced by:
Manuel Fernández & Iosu López

Festivals & Awards:

Certamen Internacional de Cortos Ciudad de Soria 2013 – Best Documentary Short Film; Festival Audiovisual de Joves Creadors del Pirineus UII Nu 2013 –  Best Documentary Short Film; Most Festival – Penedès Festival de Cinema del Vi i el Cava 2013 – Young Jury Award; Concurs Cinema Amateur Ciutat de Cornellà 2013 – Best Documentary Short Film; Festival Internacional de Cortos de Almuñécar 2013 – Trópico de Europa Jury Award; Festival de Cortos Rodinia 2013 – Best Documentary Short Film; International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam – IDFA 2013