International Competition

Father and Son

Paweł Łoziński
Screening time  
24.02. / Monday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
01.03. / Saturday, 12:00 - 14:00 Theatre 2  
They share a name, a profession which is their passion, and a strong and complicated bond, full of resentment and implicit meanings.

They share a name, a profession which is their passion, and a strong and complicated bond, full of resentment and implicit meanings. Two acclaimed documentarians, Marcel and Paweł Łoziński, go on a car journey across Europe. For the father, it is a return to his birthplace, for the son, an attempt at a critical review of their past together. Both are trying to capture this diffi cult dialogue using the camera. This version is signed by Paweł Łozinski.


Paweł Łoziński

Paweł Łoziński is Polish director, cinematographer and producer of documentaries. He is author of more than 20 award-winning documentaries and graduate of the Directing Department at the Film School in Lodz. He makes distinct and emotionally charged films about people of whom he draws intimate portraits. His films such as debut Birthplace, Sisters, Chemo, Father and Son (ZagrebDox 2014) and You Have No Idea How Much I Love You are considered innovative as they venture into new thematic areas and explore uncharted spaces within the documentary film genre.

General sponsor

Ojciec i syn

2013, 54', DCP

Directed by:
Paweł Łoziński

Screenplay by:
Paweł Łoziński, Marcel Loziński

Paweł Łoziński, Marcel Loziński

Edited by:
Dorota Wardeszkiewicz, Przemysław Chruscielewski

Paweł Łoziński

Produced by:
Paweł Łoziński Produkcja Filmów

Festivals & Awards:

Krakow Film Festival 2013 – Silver Horn for the Best Feature Length Documentary; Moscow International Film Festival 2013 – Silver George for the Best Film of the Documentary Competition; International Documentary Film Festival Flahertiana 2013; Vilnius International Film Festival 2013; International Film Festival Message to Man 2013; Kaunas International Film Festival 2013