Regional Competition

Men with Balls

Kristóf Kovács
Screening time  
25.02. / Tuesday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 2  
28.02. / Friday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 1  
01.03. / Saturday, 12:00 - 14:00 Theatre 4  
Ignác, the mayor of Hungarian village of Besence has decided to put his poor village on the map. He succeeds in getting money for two projects: a horticultural project and a tennis court.

The Hungarian village of Besence is situated on a dead-end road. It has a population of only 126, and there is 98% unemployment. But energetic Mayor Ignác has decided to put his poor village on the map. He applies here, there and everywhere for funds, and he succeeds in getting money for two projects: a horticultural project and a tennis court. Tennis in Besence? Well, why not? After the official opening and inauguration of the court, Kari the coach makes his entrance into the village pushing a shopping trolley full of tennis balls and rackets. There is great interest at first, and the first tennis season gets off to a brisk start. Fluidly edited scenes of village life alternate with the daily grind of concerns about money, work, and of course tennis. Summer in Besence passes by in an easy, laid-back rhythm. But it’s not long before tensions emerge around the court. Will the mayor be able to maintain the same level of enthusiasm if the melon harvest fails? And will he and Kari the coach ultimately succeed in getting their Besence Open off the ground?


Kristóf Kovács

Kristóf Kovács was born in 1974 in Budapest, Hungary. He graduated from the University of Miskolc on Faculty of Arts major and completed cultural manager training at János Vitéz University in 1999. After that he worked as cultural anthropologist and starts several researches for his documentary films. Selected filmography: Men with Balls (2013), Full of Grease (2008), Willkommen (2005).

General sponsor

Men with Balls

2013, 68', video

Directed by:
Kristóf Kovács

Screenplay by:
Kristóf Kovács

Dávid Szepesi, Claudia Kovács, Márton Vízkelety

Edited by:
Annamaria Batka, Eva Palotai

Csaba Kalotas

Judit Stalter

Produced by:
Laokoon Film

Festivals & Awards:

Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival – IDFA 2013