Regional Competition

Yugoslavia; How Ideology Used to Set Our Collective Body in Motion

Marta Popivoda
Screening time  
26.02. / Wednesday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
28.02. / Friday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 2  
Using media images, the film (re)constructs gradual depletion of the communist ideology through changes of relationships between people, ideology and state.

The film portrays ideology performance in public space via mass performances. The author analysed film and video records from the post-war Yugoslavia (1945-2000) and focused on mass public ceremonies (youth labour actions, 1st May parades, Youth Day celebrations etc). The film ends with the advent of modern-day democracy and neoliberal capitalism in Serbia, asking us to think why the citizens abandoned the ideas of socialist collectivism, fraternity and unity, workers’ rights and free education so easily, mainly because of nationalism and the war and then because of the promises of freedom and democracy, which turned out to mean individualism and ‘wild’ capitalism.


Marta Popivoda

Marta Popivoda was born 1982 in Belgrade. She graduated in film directing from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, and holds an MA in experimental film from Berlin’s University of Art. She is a member of the TkH editorial collective, a platform where she initiated and participated in numerous local and international artistic and cultural projects.

General sponsor

Jugoslavija, kako je ideologija pokretala naše kolektivno telo

Serbia, France, Germany
2013, 62', video

Directed by:
Marta Popivoda

Screenplay by:
Ana Vujanović, Marta Popivoda

Edited by:
Nataša Damnjanović

Marta Popivoda, Alice Chauchat

Produced by:
Teorija koja Hoda, Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers

Festivals & Awards:

Berlin International Film Festival 2013; Sarajevo Film Festival 2013; Beldocs International Documentary Film Festival