Controversial Dox


Erwin Wagenhofer
Screening time  
01.03. / Saturday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 4  
We’re living in times of sweeping changes, crises and disorientation. The financial system, energy, climate change: all the problems in these areas have one thing in common, they were created by humans educated at the world’s best universities and institutions.

Is this mess a side effect of their education, or the underlying attitudes and approach? Is the main problem the structure of our brains, and therefore the structure of our outdated thinking? We will never find the courage and inspiration to solve tomorrow’s problems by applying yesterday’s solutions! Nowhere else is that fact so obvious as in our educational system, where the greatest opportunities and talents are eradicated by improper methods and forcing everyone into standardized molds. Rather than standardization and economic utility, creativity, diversity and sustainability must be the focus of new educational institutions!

Erwin Wagenhofer

Erwin Wagenhofer was born 1961 in Lower Austria and graduated from the Vienna Institute of Technology and worked for years as camera assistant for various productions, feature films and documentaries. Since 1987 he is a freelance filmmaker.

General sponsor


Austria, Germany
2013, 107', DCP

Directed by:
Erwin Wagenhofer

Screenplay by:
Erwin Wagenhofer

Erwin Wagenhofer

Edited by:
Michael Hudecek, Erwin Wagenhofer

André Stern

Mathias Forberg, Viktoria Salcher, Peter Rommel

Produced by:
Prisma Film und Fernsehproduktion, Rommel Film

Festivals & Awards:

Berlin International Film Festival 2014 – German Cinema LOLA@Berlinale