Controversial Dox

Library of Dust

Ondi Timoner, Robert James
Screening time  
28.02. / Friday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 4  
Thousands of corroding copper urns containing the cremated remains of unclaimed psychiatric patients are discovered in 2004 at the Oregon State Hospital. This film reveals several histories of these forgotten souls.

Thousands of corroded copper urns containing the cremated remains of unclaimed psychiatric patients are discovered in 2004. A tour of the Oregon State Hospital involving the local press and a State Senator was conducted to uncover the deplorable conditions of the hospital. What they didn't expect to find was a storeroom full of human ashes dating back to the late 1800's. Photos are taken of the mysterious corrosive effect on the canisters and several histories of these forgotten souls are revealed in this unique tale.


Ondi Timoner

Ondi Timoner is an American film director, producer and editor. She has the rare distinction of winning the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival twice. Her 2004 Sundance-winning documentary Dig!, and her 2009 top prize-winner We Live in Public (2009) were both acquired by the Museum of Modern Art in New York City for their permanent collection. She is also known for her feature films: Join Us (2007), Nature Of The Beast & Cool It (1994), as well as the documentary short film Recycle (2005).


Robert James

After many amateur film projects Robert James was led to the Cinema Studies Program at San Francisco City College. Library of Dust is his first documentary short film. A music video and commercial work have followed as well as the forthcoming documentary feature Revolutionary Sex, currently in production.

General sponsor

Library of Dust

2011, 17', video

Directed by:
Ondi Timoner, Robert James

Peter Simonite

Edited by:
James Leche, Kyle Parker, David Timoner

Sherri Chung, Jonathan Beard

Robert James, Kyle Parker, Ondi Timoner

Produced by:
NuReality Productions

Festivals & Awards:

Taos Shortz Film Festival 2012 – Best Documentary; Seattle International Film Festival 2011 – Best Short Documentary; Miami International Short Film Festival 2011 – Best Documentary; Napa Valley Film Festival 2011 – Special Jury Prize; Traverse City Film Festival 2011 –  Best Short Documentary