My Best Dox

Family Meals

Dana Budisavljević
Screening time  
24.02. / Monday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 4  
"Family Meals", directed by Dana Budisavljević, revolves around family meals with subjects long hidden in family closets served as the main course.

The autobiographical documentary Family Meals, directed by Dana Budisavljević, revolves around family meals with subjects long hidden in family closets served as the main course. However, what a less talented filmmaker would have made an activist and predictable coming-out story, Dana makes a bittersweet exploration of relativity of moral views and intergenerational (mis)understanding. Dana draws parallels between her parents’ unconventional marriage and her coming out in order to show that what one generation sees as shocking, the next one accepts as an ordinary part of life – even though those who are stigmatised for their love choices will not necessarily show sympathy for the others. At least not immediately. An interesting thing is that Dana does not present her sexuality in the film as a problem, but as a fact, which represents an important step forward towards its normalisation.

Mario Kozina


Dana Budisavljević

Dana Budisavljević was born in 1975 in Zagreb, where she graduated from the Film and TV Editing Department of the Academy of Dramatic Arts. She worked as a film editor, production assistant and organizer of film festivals. Her directorial debut was the documentary Straight A’s! (2004), after which she went on to win wide acclaim with Family Meals (2012). With Hulahop, a production company she founded with Olinka Vištica in 2006, she produced documentary series Slumbering Concrete by Saša Ban, as well as films I Like That Super Most the Best by Eva Kraljević, Then I See Tanja by Juraj Lerotić, and others. The Diary of Diana B. (2019) is her debut feature-length film. It premiered at the 2019 Pula Film Festival, where it won six awards, after which it was screened and awarded at international festivals.

General sponsor

Nije ti život pjesma Havaja

2012, 50', video

Directed by:
Dana Budisavljević

Ana Opalić, Tamara Cesarec, Eva Kraljević

Edited by:
Marko Ferković

Olinka Vištica, Sophie De Hijes

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

ZagrebDox 2012 –  HT Audience Award; Special Mention by the Jury; DokuFest Prizren 2012 – Best Balkan Newcomer Award; Nomination for Silver Eye, East Silver Market’s Award, Jihlava 2012; Sarajevo Film Festival 2011 – Docu Rough Cut Boutique Award; Days of Croatian Film 2012