MUST SEE in other official and special programmes of ZagrebDox


Beside International and Regional Competition, ZagrebDox's official programme consists of Biography Dox, Musical Globe, Happy Dox, Controversial Dox, Masters of Dox, State of Affairs, Teens Dox, Factumentaries and ADU Dox.

The Biography Dox section this year again features numerous interesting life stories, from notorious Heinrich Himmler in The Decent One by Vanessa Lapa, to one of the recently completely unknown, but finest street photographers in the documentary Finding Vivian Maier, nominated for Academy Award and BAFTA.

The Musical Globe takes us on several musical journeys. The geographically closest ends in the neighbouring country with The Lost Button, and Happy Dox again features cheerful documentary stories from all over the world. An interesting contribution to heated political discussions in Croatia will be the Controversial Dox featuring the German film Tito’s Murder Squads, directed by Philipp Grüll, unmasking Yugoslav spies responsible for crimes against Croatian immigrants in Germany. The section also includes the Lebanese-Canadian film Mystic Mass, directed by Karim B. Haroun, made during an impressive religious procession honouring the death of a Shia religious leader.

The Masters of Dox include the Ukrainian-Dutch Maidan, directed by Sergei Loznitsa, and Visitors, the latest work by Godfrey Reggi, the author of the famous QATSI trilogy on the destiny of mankind. The State of Affairs again brings into focus the contemporary social issues and phenomena, while Teen Dox again features attractive titles about the life and problems of teenagers.

The new special programmes cover three sections. The Thriller Dox category, representing this now popular hybrid form, features Tales of the Grim Sleeper, the latest film by British documentarian Nick Broomfield. Fresh insights on the Middle East and Islam come in the Middleast section, also including the Danish documentary Warriors from the North, about young second-generation Somali immigrants in Denmark, who decide to return to Somalia and join Islamist extremists. The section ZagrebDoXXL features film screenings accompanied by conversations trying to expand a broader discussion with the audience on certain delicate social matters.

In addition, two retrospectives of Croatian documentaries selected by film critic and film researcher Diana Nenadić will screen at this year's ZagrebDox – Vinko Brešan’s author’s night and a retrospective of Croatian musical documentaries.