The Russians are coming

Strange Particles

Denis Klebleev
Screening time  
26.02. / Friday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 2  
Konstantin - a quantuum man, seemingly both here and not, is navigatin a world that he may not be suited for.

Konstantin, a young physicist, is assigned to teach at a seaside institute where the students yearn to let loose and treat the academic centre and its surroundings as a glorified summer camp. The introverted scientist, who has dedicated his life to his studies, grows increasingly frustrated with those around him, finding that his quantum approach to the world clashes with the interests of his peers and students. His mind is in a constant loop of theorems, which further isolates him as he struggles to fit in and keep the chaos of the dorms to a minimum. In his attempts to conceptualize the larger questions of the universe, Konstantin fails to comprehend the direct connections in the world around him. Strange Particles offers us the notion of a quantum man – seemingly both here and not – navigating a world that he may not be suited for.


Denis Klebleev

Denis Klebleev is a young documentary filmmaker, cinematographer and photographer from Moscow. In 2011 he entered Marina Razbezhkina Documentary Film School. His first film 31st Haul (2012) won a prize for the best feature film at the ArtDocFest. Strange Particles (2015) is his second documentary.

General sponsor

Странные частицы

2015, 52' 20''

Directed by:
Denis Klebleev

Denis Klebleev

Edited by:
Denis Klebleev

Denis Klebleev

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

Joris Ivens Award, Young Jury Award; DOK Leipzig 2015 – Honorary Mention for Next Masters competition; Flahertiana International Documentary Film Festival 2015 – Main Award for Russian Competition; Valdivia International Film Festival 2015 – Special Mention; Hot Docs 2015; Locarno International Film Festival 2015