Screening time  
25.02. / Thursday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 3  
Convinced that history was being written, three filmmakers decided to record the sociopolitical landscape of the moment.

In May 2012, Vladimir Putin started his third term as Russian president. A growing number of citizens called for him to go and there was a feeling that a political shift was possible – even close. Convinced that history was being written, three filmmakers decided to record the sociopolitical landscape of the moment. They placed brief reportages online every day as an alternative source of information. One major condition was that the viewer had to be able to draw his own conclusions. The Term is both a result and the conclusion of this much-debated project, for which there is no tolerance in today’s Russia. While the online bulletins covered a wide variety of topics, the film focuses on the opposition leaders, who are closely followed. From the start, an infectious call for freedom and change flies off the screen.


Pavel Kostomarov

Pavel Kostomarov, born in 1975, Moscow, graduated in cinematography from Moscow’s VGIK. He directed a number of internationally successful documentaries, e.g. The Transformer (2003), The Days of Peace (2004), The Mother (2007).


Alexander Rastorguev

Alexander Rastorguev, born in 1971, Rostov-on-Don, USSR, graduated from St. Petersburg State Theater Arts Academy. His directorial activities include documentaries: Maundy Thursday (2003), Tender’s Heat: Wild Wild Beach (2006), and I Love You (2011, co-dir. P. Kostomarov).


Aleksej Pivovarov

Alexey Pivovarov, born in 1974, Moscow, Russian newspaper and TV reporter, documentarian, and producer. He worked for Russia’s NTV for many years, serving from 2008 as managing editor and anchor.

General sponsor


Russia, Estonia
2014, 82' 59''

Directed by:
Pavel Kostomarov, Alexander Rastorguev, Aleksej Pivovarov

Sarkis Orbelyan, Max Tuula, Maria Gavrilova

Produced by:
Aviator Prroduction, Marx Film, Marx Film

Festivals & Awards:

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2014; IDFA 2014; CPH:DOX 2014; DOK Leipzig 2014; DocLisboa 2014; Cinéma du Réel 2014; It's All True – International Documentary Film Festival 2014; Tbilisi International Film Festival 2014; ArtDocFest Moscow 2014; One World Romania 2014; Full Frame Documentary Film Festival 2014; Pacific Meridian International Film Festival 2014; Molodist Film Festival 2014; Torino Film Festival 2014