Homo Homini Dox: Retrospective of Croatian Anthropological Documentaries

People from Neretva

Obrad Gluščević
Screening time  
25.02. / Thursday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
Forgoing a narrator, dialogue and direct statements for the camera, the film depicts the life on the river Neretva.

Forgoing a narrator, dialogue and direct statements for the camera, the film depicts the life on the river Neretva – the people who perform all their daily tasks using only their small narrow boats, trupice. The director's almost inconspicuous camera records their everyday life: the fishing, the nocturnal hunt for waterfowl, taking the cattle to water, children's games, weddings, a funeral and an occasional bizarre act such as the scene in which a woman washes the laundry using an ancient Roman gravestone as a washboard.

General sponsor

Ljudi s Neretve

1966, 17'

Directed by:
Obrad Gluščević

Screenplay by:
Obrad Gluščević

Frano Vodopivec

Edited by:
Josip (Joja) Remenar

Branimir Sakač

Produced by:
Zagreb film

Festivals & Awards:

Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival – Best Directing Award