
DISCUSSION: To Doc Or Not To Doc - Is There A Future For Creative Documentary?

Time and place  
26.02. / Friday, 15:00 - 16:30 Festival Center  
This panel discussion will deal with the immediate future of creative documentary. With serious decreases in public broadcasting funding and emerging of new platforms and distribution models, this panel will draw attention to identifying, understanding, embracing and even changing of these models.

With: Ryan Harrington (Discovery Communications), Claire Aguilar (Sheffield Doc/Fest), Hanka Kastelicová (HBO Europe), Catherine Le Clef (CAT&Docs), Leena Pasanen (DOK Leipzig), Hrvoje Hribar (HAVC), Sanja Ravlić (Croatian representative at Eurimages), Maja Jelisić Cooper (Klasik TV), Hrvoje Osvadić (HRUP), Nebojša Slijepčević (DHFR), Martina Petrović (Creative Europe Desk – MEDIA Office)

This panel discussion will deal with the immediate future of creative documentary. With serious decreases in public broadcasting funding and emerging of new platforms and distribution models, this panel will draw attention to identifying, understanding, embracing and even changing of these models. The discussion participants are Ryan Harrington (Discovery Communications), who will also moderate the discussion, and international representatives of relevant documentary film festivals, productions and distributers, as well as local and regional filmmakers and institution representatives. The panel discussion is organised in cooperation with Creative Europe Desk – MEDIA Office Croatia.