

Time and place  
25.02. / Thursday, 19:00 - 20:00 Festival Center  
RE-ACT (Regional Audiovisual Cooperation and Training) is a transregional initiative for co-developing audiovisual projects and fostering international co-productions. Set up by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Friuli-Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund and Slovenian Film Centre in 2015, RE-ACT has two components: a co-development funding scheme for feature-length projects and short animations and a targeted training programme: RE-ACT Workshop.

The first round of RE-ACT co-development funding was announced in Trieste in January 2016 during the WEMW Co-production Forum, with six selected projects in development granted 10,000 euro each.

The second RE-ACT workshop will take place in Izola in Slovenia from 2 to 5 June 2016 alongside the annual international TorinoFilmLab Framework workshop. For the second time around, it will involve six selected teams of producers/authors and will aim to develop new promising stories with co-production potential between Croatia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Slovenia.

The project will be presented by its initiators, heads of film funds from Italy, Slovenia and Croatia: Paolo Vidali (FVG Audiovisual Fund), Jožko Rutar (Slovenian Film Centre) and Hrvoje Hribar (Croatian Audiovisual Centre), next to Sanja Ravlić, Croatia's representative to Eurimages and Alessandro Gropplero, Head of International Relations of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund.