Wednesday at ZagrebDox


The third ZagrebDox festival day hosts as many as five Dox events and a masterclass with the Iranian director Mehrdad Oskouei.

The third ZagrebDox festival day hosts as many as five Dox events. These include three Regional Competition premieres: Two Schools by Srđan Šarenac, Zero Dollar Baby by Damir Terešak and You Can Be Whatever You Want by Robert Tomić Zuber, as well as two films in the official programme: the Slovakian entry Coolture in Happy Dox and the French My Life with a Robot in State of Affairs. At Q&A sessions following the films, directors Srđan Šarenac, Damir Terešak, Robert Tomić Zuber and Miro Remo, the author of Coolture, will present their films. On Wednesday, at ZagrebDox PRO at 11am, a masterclass with the Iranian director Mehrdad Oskouei will take place. During the day, the chair of the ZagrebDox regional jury and European Film Academy director Marion Döring and a regional jury member and head of programming at IDFA Martijn te Pas will be arriving to Zagreb.

At 7pm, theatre 2 is screening the premiere of Two Schools by Srđan Šarenac, a co-production between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia. The film focuses on a high school in Travnik, divided after the war in Bosnia into two sections, with a futsal tournament as the only connection between the two schools. In the same slot, the audience can see Đuro Gavran's latest film. This filmmaker won the last year's Regional Competition Big Stamp for 4.7 and his new film Eat, Sleep, Eat, Sleep depicts the daily struggle of a Nigerian asylum seeker in Croatia.

At 9pm, Regional Competition features two world premieres: Zero Dollar Baby by Damir Terešak, about Ivana Habazin, a boxer from Zagreb fighting for the champion's title despite difficult financial circumstances, and You Can Be Whatever You Want by Robert Tomić Zuber, a personal documentary in which this journalist, editor and documentary filmmaker speaks about the time when he lost his job.

The Happy Dox official section at 7pm, theatre 3, hosts the screening of the Slovakian documentary Coolture, about the meaning and status of Slovakian culture, accompanied by a Q&A with Miro Remo. In State of Affairs at 8pm, theatre 5, the premiere of the French film My Life with a Robot by Thibault Sève is scheduled, focusing on an interesting scientific experiment including a young robotics engineer Angelica, her boyfriend and a small house robot.

ZagrebDox PRO event at 11am features a masterclass with the Iranian documentarian Mehrdad Oskouei, whose film Starless Dreams is screened in the Teen Dox section, and during the day we will be joined by the Slovenian director Matjaž Ivanišin, a young jury member and co-director of Every Good Story Is a Love Story, Danish documentarian Jon Bang Carlsen, the director of Déjà vu in Masters of Dox, and Nikolaus Geyrhalter, the Austrian director whose retrospective is hosted at the 13th ZagrebDox and who is speaking at an expanded Q&A session on Friday, as part of the ZagrebDoXXL platform, after the screening of his film Homo Sapiens.

During Wednesday, other guests of honour are arriving, including the regional jury chair, the director of the European Film Academy Marion Döring, and a regional jury member and head of programming at IDFA, Martijn te Pas.