Regional Competition


Nejra Latić Hulusić, Sabrina Begović-Ćorić
Screening time  
01.03. / Thursday, 11:00 - 13:00 Theatre 5  
02.03. / Friday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 5  
02.03. / Friday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 5  
A story about headscarf and women who wear it.

Following the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City, one piece of clothing gained a scandalous reputation around the world: the headscarf. All over the world, a major debate is taking place about whether Muslim women should be allowed to wear the headscarf in public. Meanwhile, young women in post-communist, post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina are increasingly embracing the wearing of the hijab as a symbol of freedom of religion and conviction, and sometimes as an act of rebellion against the capitalist vision of female liberation. Undercovered is a film about these women.


Nejra Latić Hulusić

Nejra Latić Hulusić was born in 1985 in Sarajevo. She graduated in Directing from the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo. Her documentary Her Cinema Love was screened at many festivals such as Hot Docs, Visions du Réel, DOK Leipzig, ZagrebDox, Dokufest. She directs TV documentaries for national TV channel BHT1. Co-founder of film production HAVA Sarajevo (with Sabrina Begović-Ćorić).


Sabrina Begović-Ćorić

Sabrina Begović-Ćorić was born in 1986 in Sarajevo. She graduated in Directing from the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo and was awarded by UNICEF and Sarajevo Talent Campus for her documentary Children of Sun. She teaches different film workshops organized by Sarajevo Film Festival, Pravo ljudski Film Festival, and Mali Magacin Kabare. Co-founder of film production HAVA Sarajevo (with Nejra Latić Hulusić).

General sponsor


Bosnia and Herzegovina
2017, 53'

Directed by:
Nejra Latić Hulusić, Sabrina Begović-Ćorić

Screenplay by:
Nejra Latić Hulusić, Sabrina Begović-Ćorić

Amel Đikoli

Edited by:
Nejra Latić Hulusić, Sabrina Begović-Ćorić

Mirza Šišić

Nejra Latić Hulusić, Sabrina Begović-Ćorić

Produced by:
HAVA Sarajevo

Festivals & Awards:

Sarajevo Film Festival (Documentary Competition )