Controversial Dox


Monika Hielscher, Matthias Heeder
Screening time  
03.03. / Saturday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
From Chicago to London, Paris to Berlin, this chilling documentary digs deep into big-data-fueled security in the 21st century.

Philip K. Dick’s Minority Report is science fiction no longer. Today, predictive policing and computer algorithms have become an increasingly fundamental part of law enforcement strategies the world over. From Chicago to London, Paris to Berlin, this chilling documentary digs deep into big-data-fueled security in the 21st century to uncover who is – and isn’t – being protected.

Monika Hielscher

Monika Hielscher and Matthias Heeder have been making documentary films together for more than 20 years. Their primary focus is on investigative documentaries with strong storytelling. Their body of work includes theatrical and TV docs for ARD, ZDF, ARTE and others. They are based in Hamburg, Germany. Selected filmography: Pre-Crime (2017), Money in Minutes (2015), From Basar to Wallstreet (2011), Mrsa – The Silent Disease (2010), Cloned Creatures (2008), Disposable People (2005).

Matthias Heeder

Monika Hielscher and Matthias Heeder have been making documentary films together for more than 20 years. Their primary focus is on investigative documentaries with strong storytelling. Their body of work includes theatrical and TV docs for ARD, ZDF, ARTE and others. They are based in Hamburg, Germany. Selected filmography: Pre-Crime (2017), Money in Minutes (2015), From Basar to Wallstreet (2011), Mrsa – The Silent Disease (2010), Cloned Creatures (2008), Disposable People (2005).

General sponsor


2017, 88'

Directed by:
Monika Hielscher, Matthias Heeder

Screenplay by:
Monika Hielscher, Matthias Heeder

Sebastian Baeumler

Edited by:
Christoph Senn

Paradox Paradise – John Gürtler, Jan Miserre, Lars Voges

Stefan Kloos

Produced by:
Kloos & Co. Medien

Festivals & Awards:

Hot Docs 2017; DOK.fest München 2017; Chicago International Film Festival 2017; Zürich Film Festival 2017; Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Festival; InScience Dutch International Science Film Festival 2017; Beat Film Festival 2017; Margaret Mead Film Festival 2017; Filmfest Hamburg 2017; Millennium Docs Against Gravity 2017