Controversial Dox

Project X

Laura Poitras, Henrik Moltke
Screening time  
03.03. / Saturday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
A thrilling proposal of the degree to which government secrets are unknown to the public.

The eerie time of night when all is quiet and still, and most people are asleep, is the perfect setting for filmmakers to investigate the elusive journey from the National Business Park to a windowless skyscraper in downtown Manhattan. Elevated by the understated narration of guidelines from classified National Security Agency documents (read by familiar voices Rami Malek and Michelle Williams). This is a thrilling proposal of the degree to which government secrets are unknown to the public.


Laura Poitras

Laura Poitras is a filmmaker and journalist. Citizenfour, the third instalment of her post-9/11 trilogy, won an Academy Award for Best Documentary. Part one of the trilogy, My Country, My Country, about the U.S. occupation of Iraq, was nominated for an Academy Award. Part two, The Oath, focused on Guantanamo and the "war on terror", and was nominated for two Emmy awards. In 2006, the U.S. government placed her on a secret terrorist watchlist and for six years she was detained and interrogated at the U.S. border each time she travelled internationally.  In 2014, in the aftermath of the NSA/Snowden revelations, high-level CIA officials lobbied to designate Poitras as an "information broker" and "agent of a foreign power" to pave the way for her prosecution. The effort was not carried out. She is a co-founder of The Intercept, First Look Media, and Field of Vision where she funded and executive produced over 100 documentaries, including five Academy Award nominated films.

Henrik Moltke

Henrik Moltke is a freelance journalist, researcher, and filmmaker. His recent work has appeared in the New York Times, The Intercept, and at the Whitney Museum of American Art. Moltke won the 2014 Danish Investigative Journalism Award and was nominated for the Cavling Prize, the most prestigious award in Danish journalism. He co-directed the 2007 documentary film Good Copy Bad Copy and has produced several award-winning radio documentaries and cross-media features.

General sponsor

Project X

2016, 10'

Directed by:
Laura Poitras, Henrik Moltke

Jared Alterman, Henrik Moltke

Edited by:
Nels Bangerter

Yoni Golijov, Henrik Moltke

Produced by:
Field of Vision, Praxis Films

Festivals & Awards:

Sundance Film Festival 2017, Toronto International Film Festival 2017; Full Frame Documentary Film Festival 2017; CPH:DOX 2017; AFI Fest 2016; Dallas International Film Festival 2017; Cleveland International Film Festival 2017; Nashville Film Festival 2017; Rhode Island International Film Festival 2017