Controversial Dox

The Unforgiven

Lars Feldballe-Petersen
Screening time  
01.03. / Thursday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 3  
03.03. / Saturday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 2  
A war criminal is about to meet the people he victimized.

Can a war criminal come to terms with the past, when he has committed what is possibly the worst of all crimes: torturing and executing innocent victims in the unholy name of war? Esad Landžo has asked himself this for years, but now he has arrived at a realization. He has to meet the people he victimized during the civil war in former Yugoslavia 25 years ago. For, it is only through reconciliation and forgiveness that Esad can set himself free. As he sits with a picture of himself as a child, he barely recognizes himself, wondering about the source of all that evil. The Unforgiven confronts Esad with his victims and with himself as a young man in this dark, personal tale of evil, self-hatred and forgiveness. However, the psychology of war is a bleak and inaccessible territory, stretching far beyond Esad’s own, heartbreaking story.

Lars Feldballe-Petersen

Lars Feldballe-Petersen is born in 1966 in Odense, Denmark. He is a producer and director of several documentary and educational programmes for Danish and international television. He established his own production company, Film & TV Compagniet, in 1991.

General sponsor


Finland, Denmark
2017, 75'

Directed by:
Lars Feldballe-Petersen

Screenplay by:
Lars Feldballe-Petersen

Jarkko Virtanen

Edited by:
Matti Näränen

Jari Knuutinen

Ari Matikainen

Produced by:
Kinocompany Oy

Festivals & Awards:

FA:CT Award IDFA 2017; Sarajevo Film Festival 2017; Input Documentary Festival 2017; PerSo – Perugia Social Film Festival 2017