International Competition

Gods of Molenbeek

Reetta Huhtanen
Screening time  
04.10. / Sunday, 20:00 - 22:00  
06.10. / Tuesday, 19:00 - 21:00 Ticket

Growing up in the Molenbeek district of Brussels amidst suicide bombings and police patrols, six-year-old friends Aatos and Amine ponder the big existential questions that have occupied thinkers and theologians since the beginning of time. Is there a higher power? Is nature a god? With refreshing clarity, the kids strip spirituality down to its basic principles and question knowledge itself. The way these children make sense of the senseless and reflect their surroundings via make-believe, might teach adults a great deal about how and when humans become separated from their humanity.


Reetta Huhtanen

Reetta Huhtanen is a filmmaker based in Helsinki. She has graduated with a Master of Arts from the ELO Film School Finland in Aalto University majoring in documentary film directing. In addition to her film studies, she has graduated as BA in Sociology and Philosophy. Currently, she is a doctoral student at Aalto University. Her films The Coffee Break (2009) and Economic Forecasters (2015) have been widely screened at film festivals. Gods of Molenbeek (2019) is her feature documentary debut.

General sponsor

Aatos ja Amine

2019, 70'

Directed by:
Reetta Huhtanen

Screenplay by:
Reetta Huhtanen

Hannu-Pekka Vitikainen

Edited by:
Jamin Benazzouz

Tuomas Nikkinen, Cassis B. Staudt

Hannu-Pekka Vitikainen, Hanne Phlypo, Alex Tondowski

Produced by:
Zone2Pictures, Clin d’oeil films, Tondowski Films

Festivals & Awards:

DocPoint 2019 – Audience Award, Critic's Choice Awards; Tampere Film Festival 2019 – Church Media Foundation Prize; FEST – New Directors/New Films Festival 2019 – Golden Lynx Award; MakeDox 2019 – Best newcomer’s film, Best Moral Approach Award; Reykjavik International Film Festival 2019 – Special Mention; IDFA 2019; Visions du Réel 2019; Hot Docs 2019; RIDM 2019; Göteborg Film Festival 2019; One World Film Festival 2019; Thessaloniki International Film Festival 2019; Millenium Internatonal Documentary Film Festival 2019; DOCVILLE 2019; 7 veličanstvenih 2019 / Magnificent 7 2019; DOXA Documentary Film Festival 2019; CinéDOC-Tbilisi 2019; DokFest Munich 2019; Docaviv 2019; Krakow Film Festival 2019; Oslo Pix 2019; Biografilm Festival 2019; Shanghai International Film Festival 2019; Busan Int'l Kids and Youth Film Festival 2019; Gimli Film Festival 2019; Dokufest 2019; Sakhalin International Film Festival 2019; EBS International Documentary Festival 2019; Baltic Sea Docs 2019; SalinaDocFest 2019; Take One Action Film Festival 2019; Reykjavík International Film Festival 2019; DOCSMX 2019; Festival Protesta 2019; Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival 2019


18, rue Quincampoix
75004 Paris, France
T. +3144617748