Regional Competiton


Alexander Nanau
Screening time  
08.10. / Thursday, 18:00 - 20:00 Ticket

On October 30, 2015, a serious fire broke out at the Colectiv nightclub in Bucharest. It was one of the worst disasters in recent Romanian history, with an initial 27 people killed and 180 injured. Within a few days, fierce protests erupted, leading to the resignation of the Social Democratic government. Director Alexander Nanau follows a number of key figures in the aftermath of the disaster, from the point where we learn that 37 of the injured died of bacterial infections in local hospitals. We hear from newspaper journalists who discover that the hospitals use diluted disinfectants, the minister of health in the temporary technocratic government, and the victims of a corrupt health care system in a dysfunctional state. Nanau avoids sensation and remains detached from the powerful emotions that surround the story, exposing the grim face of corruption increasingly plaguing his country.


Alexander Nanau

Alexander Nanau was born in Bucharest, Romania, and studied directing at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin. He has directed the feature documentaries The World According to Ion B. (2009), Toto and His Sisters (2014), and Collective (2019).

General sponsor


2019, 109'

Directed by:
Alexander Nanau

Screenplay by:
Alexander Nanau, Antoaneta Opris

Alexander Nanau

Edited by:
Alexander Nanau, George Cragg, Dana Bunescu

Alexander Nanau, Bianca Oana, Bernard Michaux, Hanka Kastelicová

Produced by:
Nanau Production, HBO Europe, Samsa Film

Festivals & Awards:

Zürich Film Festival 2019 – Golden Eye Best International Documentary Film; Tromsø International Film Festival 2020 – Don Quixote Award; La Roche-sur-Yon International Film Festival 2019 – Special Jury Award; Venice International Film Festival 2019; Toronto International Film Festival 2019; IDFA 2019; Cork International Film Festival 2019 ; Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival 2019; Hamptons International Film Festival 2019 ; Minsk International Film Festival 2019


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