The Best of the Rest


Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Anastasia Mikova
Screening time  
10.10. / Saturday, 14:00 - 16:00 Ticket

While filming Human, Anastasia Mikovia and Yann Arthus-Bertrand recorded footage of women around the world. That is where Woman began – an ambitious film with more than 2500 portraits of women from 50 countries. On a very sparse set, they candidly discuss work, social issues, body image, sexuality, motherhood, desire and, sadly, violence. In the post-#metoo era, this documentary is an essential panorama that reveals how women see the world today. With an admiring but unsensational eye on its subjects, Woman is an affectionate, honest take on women.


Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a French photographer, journalist, reporter and environmentalist. He is the president of the GoodPlanet Foundation, which he created in 2005. Appointed Goodwill Ambassador by the United Nations Environment Program for 2009, the same year he directed his first feature film, Home, on the state of our planet. In 2015, he released the film Human, which premiered at the United Nations and the Venice Film Festival. In 2019, he co-directed the documentary, Woman, with his frequent collaborator Anastasia Mikova.


Anastasia Mikova

Anastasia Mikova is a Ukrainian-born film director and journalist. In 2009, she became editor-in-chief of the series of documentaries Earth from Above, which marked the beginning of her collaboration with Yann Arthus-Bertrand. She continued her collaboration with him on the documentary Human (2015), in 2019, they co-directed the documentary, Woman.

General sponsor


2019, 108'

Directed by:
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Anastasia Mikova

Screenplay by:
Anastasia Mikova

Maya Coutouzis

Edited by:
Françoise Bernard, Brigitte Delahaie

Armand Amar

Fabienne Calimas

Produced by:
Hope Production

Festivals & Awards:

Venice Film Festival 2019; Bergen International Film Festival 2019; Les Arcs Film Festival 2019; Hof International Film Festival 2019


44, rue Blanche, 75009 Paris, France
Nicolas Godeau-Esway
T. +33 1 56 43 48 71